Click Here to Write Me a Letter!

Well, howdy! Elder Leach here. Sometimes, missionaries can feel discouraged and lonely while on a mission. I’m not immune to this feeling, so if you’re ever feeling bored or like you want to write to a missionary…oh boy, would I EVER love to get a letter or e-mail from you!!!!

Here is my Provo MTC Address (this will be good for only 3 weeks from May 5th to May 26th unless my VISA still hasn’t come, in that case, longer!)


Elder Matthew Gregory Leach
MTC Mailbox # 251
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

This is my actual mission address (you will need to run to the post office to send letters–or goodies! hehe– to South Africa. It’s worth the trip, though…right?)


Elder Matthew Gregory Leach
South Africa Cape Town Mission
PO BOX 181
Observatory 7935
South Africa

And finally, if you’re not feeling the whole “writing to someone with a pen on paper” thing, do not fear! Here’s my e-mail address. Drop some love!

Love you all,

Elder Leach


  1. Hello Elder!

    I just wanted to write and congratulate you again, not only on your choice to serve Heavenly Father and his children as you are, but also for the beautiful blessing you’ve been given to serve at this place at this time.

    I remember having many very powerful experiences as a missionary that convinced me that I had been very specifically called to be in that place at that time. I learned so much gratitude for the understanding that God not only knew me, but chose me.

    I wish you all the best and will keep my eye on your blog. What an amazing opportunity our technology has provided all of us.

    Take care,
    Rick Vandenhole

  2. Hey Sweetie! Did you get the envelope we mailed to you? It had some green goodies in it, ya know?

  3. Bro. Vandenhole, thanks for the comments! I know for a surety the inspiration of mission calls. Thank you for your support

    Aunt Annette: You better believe I received some goodies today!!! THANK YOU for the card and money! You and Uncle Bruce are so sweet. Every little bit helps with the mission, and I appreciate your love and support 🙂

  4. Hey Matt,
    in South Africa can you use International reply coupons for mail?

    Jonathan Arrona

  5. We think of you often and keep you in our prayers. Stay safe, friend.

  6. Elder Leach, you are so “ridiculously”, as you like to say, adorable. The people of South Africa are going to fall in love with you. You will surely bring a smile to their faces with your wonderful sense of humor. Talking about cleaning your room…yes I remember….so you’ve had practice & I’m sure you can tackle anything now. LOL!! I hope you received the money I sent you in the MTC??? Just wanted to check :0 You are in my prayers & remember you are on the Lord’s time now & these 2 years will fly by so no wasting! These experiences will last you a life time. As you serve Heavenly Father’s children never forget how much they need you. Your family will be so richly blessed by your dedicated service. Remember calloused knees are great & I am sure you will spend many a time on your knees in these next 2 years. Stay strong & faithful & let the Lord guide your footsteps. Love you so much Matt. You have always been a joy!

  7. Elder Leach,
    Hey it’s Bryce, I’m sitting here next to your sister Bree, I live in Salt Lake now. I’ve heard so many great things about your mission. I’m so excited for you and the experiences you get to have. Every day you get to work side by side with the Lord to gather His people, there is no greater work than that. Keep up the good work.
    Bryce Leishman

  8. Hey Elder “Mushu” Leach!!!!
    Did you get my letter 2 months ago? Well? Just kidding, I know you are busy doing more important things. I am so proud of you and LOVE reading your stories! Both entertaining and enlightening!! I love you!

  9. We’re thinking a lot about you, especially now. It can be tough during the holidays but it can also be some of the best times of your mission because you can turn that longing for home and family outward to others whom the Lord wants particularly to touch. Giant blessings for all concerned!
    It is powerful to hear you speak of how brief your time out has felt and to liken your feelings for your mission to Jacob’s. Every missionary needs to feel that exact same way!
    We’ll send you cold, snowy thoughts if you send us some warm, melty ones:) Brrrrr.
    Much much love, and prayers- always!
    Sister K

  10. I was reading your comments on why, why, why…understandable since the emotions & fellings of what you are experiencing. Never forget everyone has a choice. A big part of Heavenly Father’s plan & also remember that you are on your mission to teach the gospel. You may never know the fruits of your labor, the harvest of your works until the next life of how many souls you have touched. Do not judge your mission by baptisms.

    Embrace ALL of the experiences good or bad & learn from them all. They will be a template for decisions & plans that you make as you journey through life…what you will do, what you won’t do. Life is never fair but we can enjoy the journey nevertheless. I know you will bring much joy & love into the lives of others you meet. Stop babysitting those missionaries but…be the example that perhaps they need.

    Remember if you come home with calloused knees you’ll know that you were on them a lot during your mission.

    Keep the faith & follow the spirit Matt. I love you & appreciate your fun loving ways & excitement for life! Let those values shine! You’re in my thought s & prayers.

    Miss Debby (Allison) 1/10/2011

  11. Hello Elder Leach,

    Hi there “Trek son”. I’m glad I can finally write to you. Your dad called me the other evening with a request for me to attend the RS’s ‘broom hockey’ activity at the Stake Ctr. They needed a PH holder to be there. I said sure and then started asking about you and wanted your address. He gave me this site. I hope this note finds you.
    Anyway, I was reading some of your letters. I’ll have to say you slammed all of my emotions. Reminds me of what I felt when my sons were on their missions, and because of your descriptions, I can sense what you are feeling. Aside from the ‘lump-in-the-throat’ feelings you caused me, you also cracked me up with your wit and sense of humor. I really enjoyed your Christmas letter and Tragedy at the Beach story. You have a big heart and are a kind and loving young man. I discovered that when I had the privilege and honor of being your “pa” during the Trek. Since then, I have considered you like a son.
    Anyway, I hope you and your companion are well. I know the Lord is pleased with your service and will continue to send you blessings. Never doubt or lose trust in the Lord. And when you feel there has been a mountain placed in front of you, remember the Lord will provide you a way to go around, through, over or under it. (But you’ll still have to do the work). That’s the way we grow.
    From the looks of things, you have a ginormous support group back here in WA.
    Take care, keep healthy and stay safe. You’ll be in my prayers.

    Bro Franklin

  12. Hey ts me siyanda man m soooo gratefull 4 your missionery work because all the time you were always encouraging me to do the right thing simpl because Heavently Father loves me..Elder you are a wonderfull person so full of jokes and sense of humour and also a nice person and also thank you for the visit the other night with your famly that was so great..You also have a wonderfull famly..hope u will follow me on facebook..Siyanda Siyoza Netnou…thanks the Lord bless youuu..much love

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